I was thinking the other day about my life, what I plan to do
with it and what I have already done. What is my goal in life, what do I strive
towards? I soon realised that really, I had no idea. It is not like I do not
have a clue of what I want to do next. There were plenty of interesting
assemblies in school that piqued my interest, but I had no ‘end goal’, no
target that I can definitely say I have hit by the time I die. So, I decided to
search for a good goal and I created a simple criterion by which my goal would
be decided.
Quite simply, by the end of my life, I wanted to have had as
large an impact as possible on the world and its people. That is simple enough,
but it raises a larger, somewhat more insightful question. How does one measure
their impact? What could you use to tell how much of an impact a person has had
on the world? With this in mind, I sat and thought and I believe I have come up
with an answer that suits me.