
Welcome to JFS School's official Blog. This is our third year of the blog and represents a chance for our new team of intrepid student journalists to write what's on their minds. The Autumn term’s blog theme focuses on “Inspiration” - so stay tuned for some fantastic creative writing.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

AMBITION: A Boy and a Saxophone

When a child has a vision, an ambition and a will to start something new, and to set themselves a challenge they would not usually do- nothing can stop them.

I have been playing the Piano for quite a while now, and I wanted to start something else. I was never sure of what to play. I tried out a few instruments here and there, but none of them really clicked. I eventually gave up and returned to playing the piano. That was until a few months ago. 
It was a cold, miserable day, there was no one around.

The airport was silent and gloomy, with only a handful of people sitting by their gates with a cup of coffee which by then had lost all of its flavour and warmth. Phones were checked. Turned On. Unlocked. Then closed again. Yawns from men in suits, cries from mothers of whining children, and then there was me- in between them all.

To my left- a bookstore, to my right- a bookstore, behind me- a bookstore, but in front of me was a man. A man in a purple shirt, old sandals and worn out trousers. He looked dull, except for his face. He had a warm smile, and asked me how I was.

As I turned away and went into the bookshop, I heard a sound. It was muffled, blurred out, it sounded so heavenly but I was far too focused to get to the shop. I turned my head and it was the man. He had a saxophone. His smile kept showing, but he played the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. When he finished, the handful of people who happened to be there at the time began clapping. One even shed a tear.

I asked him what he played, and how amazing it was, and how amazing he was for brightening up what seemed to be a never-ending night of storms and delays.
He replied in a thick accent:

 “Dear child. I was very young and not as privileged as you. I came from a rough background. My grandfather gave me this saxophone when I was young, and I have played it when my country was at war and times were difficult, and that is how I got through it. I am now still in hard times, so I play to escape those fears. I have come to cheer you all up, for that is what I believe in. Remember- The Saxophone of your life is very close, but you still need to run, duck, hide and escape from the people who stop you from playing your saxophone, and letting you have freedom.”

It was only weeks later I bought my saxophone. And every time I play a little tune, a jazz mode, a song or improvise, I remember this man. This man in the purple shirt, who inspired me and pushed me to become the Saxophonist that I am now.

When a child has a vision, an ambition and a will to start something new, and to set themselves a challenge they would not usually do- nothing can stop them.