I am inspired by a wave, something
that seems so small yet has so much to offer.
There are two types of waves, two very different waves though still very
A hand wave - This wave is inspiring
because it is a simple way of saying hello. By waving at someone, it can put a
smile on a face and make another person happy.
Each time someone waves at me ort says a simple word like hello, I feel
happy and confident, ready to start a day. Waves are very essential in your
everyday life because they can brighten up your day.
A wave in the sea - This wave is
inspiring not because they rise and fall but because each time they fall they
never fail to rise again. This brings on a skill of determination, something
which is very important, I always try to be motivated in all the subjects I
attend and always rise above anything that gets in my way. If you think about
it, that’s exactly what these waves do, the rise each time after the fall,
their motivated to try again and again.