
Welcome to JFS School's official Blog. This is our third year of the blog and represents a chance for our new team of intrepid student journalists to write what's on their minds. The Autumn term’s blog theme focuses on “Inspiration” - so stay tuned for some fantastic creative writing.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

INSPIRATION: Inspiration Vs Motivation

I was speaking with my Mother about this assignment - to write a report or to create a visual document about the word or concept ‘inspiration.’  I put this off and put this off.  I really did not want to write a report.  And I had no idea what to write about.  Mum asked me why I was not inspired and why I was not motivated.  Her question got me thinking…

What is inspiration and what is motivation?

I have learned that often people confuse the concepts of inspiration and motivation and often use one word for another.  There are, I learned, distinct differences and yet they are intrinsically related.

Motivation is usually short-term and task-oriented.  Motivation is the process of getting started.  The root of motivation is ‘motive’ – a reason for doing something.

The motivation, or reason, for me to write this report is so I can check it off my to-do list (thanks Mum) or to have it published in the school blog.  If this report was for an actual class, my motivation would be to get a good grade.  If this report was a part of my weekly house chores, I would write it in order to receive my allowance.  Motivation is considered external.  It can fade.

Inspiration, on the other hand, is internal.  Inspiration - ‘in spirit’.  This is a feeling that comes from within, in the very core of your being.

Inspiration is long-term and goal-oriented.  Perhaps filling you with the need to ‘make a difference’, filling you with a passion to do something.  Inspiration is more lasting.

Books can inspire.  Cinema, music, art and people can all inspire.  These feelings or experiences can touch you to the core and connect with you to make you think or dream perhaps differently.  In colour.  Maybe making you think ‘I can do that’ or even ‘I can do that better’.

If motivation is when you get hold of an idea and do it, then inspiration is when an idea gets hold of you!

Motivation is something that moves you from the outside, an external force - a grade, a promotion, a reward.  Inspiration is something you feel on the inside, deep within, that drives you forward, often ever-lasting.

You do not have to be inspired to be motivated, but it helps.  I sat down to write this because I was inspired when I came up with this theme.  My motivation was that now Mum is off my back!