
Welcome to JFS School's official Blog. This is our third year of the blog and represents a chance for our new team of intrepid student journalists to write what's on their minds. The Autumn term’s blog theme focuses on “Inspiration” - so stay tuned for some fantastic creative writing.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

INSPIRATION: Just a Buzzword

Okay, I’ll admit it. When this term’s creative piece was announced as “inspiration”, I was a tiny bit sceptical. When I say a tiny bit sceptical, I mean something more akin to totally sick of the word. I think I have some explaining to do.

To me, “inspiration” is just one of a swarm of irritating “buzzwords”. Unfamiliar with the term? Try “evaluate”, “holistic”, or perhaps “team player”. The media, teachers, bosses, and even trusted friends are susceptible to bombarding us with these supposedly engaging, wonderful words. I for one don’t really like them. They are used when one is unable to articulate, are usually out of context and unhelpful. Inspiration usually fits in with this unfortunate band of words, and as such I expected a clichéd bundle of creative pieces.

Take the Olympic slogan “inspire a generation”. I was inspired enough to play badminton one Friday lunch, before the smell of chips was too enticing to ignore. On that note, JFS is no exception to the buzzword craze- every classroom has a not so discrete “think about your thinking” poster littered with big buzzwords surrounded by their own horde of the little devils. (Despite loathing the paper pests, I now have an odd affection for them, perhaps due to their ludicrous content.)

But after contemplating how a rant would be brilliant (I still squeezed it in) I thought that the fault is not in the word itself; it has a noble, humbling feeling that has been corrupted in the modern day. Rather than ignore its capture, we must salvage its beauty from the hollow clutches of society.

This is in part due to the coming challenges the world faces- and a heavy dose of inspiration will be needed. Inspiration to face climate change, inspiration to face rising living costs, inspiration to face poverty and disease. Real, raw inspiration, not the fluffy, useless kind, will be essential. To embark upon parlance I usually wouldn’t venture near: We shall need inspiration to be the best that we can be”.