
Welcome to JFS School's official Blog. This is our third year of the blog and represents a chance for our new team of intrepid student journalists to write what's on their minds. The Autumn term’s blog theme focuses on “Inspiration” - so stay tuned for some fantastic creative writing.

Thursday, 17 December 2015


When I was confronted with the task of creating an original viewpoint, piece or anything about inspiration, I didn’t have the slightest idea what to do. I drafted several different possible blogs, and discarded each and every single one of them, they were that cheesy and disappointing to me. The irony was obvious. I had no inspiration and desperately needed some. But being inspired is not easy. Inspiring someone else is not easy. And neither is writing about inspiration - it’s an abstract noun, and all the dictionary definitions of it were rather vague and usually used the word inspired when describing it. Despite my best efforts, I cannot say I found any, however valuable my resources were. The ominous feeling I continuously felt hanging over me and giving me a crippling writers block was that however good the previous blogs available to me on the JFS website, trying find stimulation to be creative from someone else’s mastermind of a blog would really just be copying. I believe I learnt a great deal about inspiration by making these mistakes.

I now know that it is not something you buy at the shops with your payment; it is what you receive as payment for hard work and concentration. You will never go out looking for it, and if you do it will hide, but when it finds you, you shall belt out your glorious praises. Hard workers are inspired to be diligent by a passion for success; lazy workers are dissuaded by an illogical assumption that life will provide them all the necessary bounty they would ever want. When you decide to revise, you are deciding to succeed; when you relax, chill and sleep your homework time away you are choosing to fail. Maybe you are inspired by Leo Messi, David Cameron, Taylor Swift or simply your grandmother. But whoever they are, they are prestigious people who got where they were not through sauntering through their career with a smug attitude and an expectation that they would have everything others earn given to them for no charge. So find your inspiration from role models who took it upon themselves to push themselves beyond expectations, and push yourself. Become a role model. And remember to enjoy yourself.