
Welcome to JFS School's official Blog. This is our third year of the blog and represents a chance for our new team of intrepid student journalists to write what's on their minds. The Autumn term’s blog theme focuses on “Inspiration” - so stay tuned for some fantastic creative writing.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

INSPIRATION: Its Different Forms

Inspiration? Inspiration. Right, okay. What is inspiration? Well, that depends. There’s so many different kinds.

I was watching Masterchef last night. It made me think… “Hey! I could probably do that.” However, I also watched CSI Crime Scene Investigation. Surprisingly, it didn’t inspire me to go out and kill someone. Inspiration can come in many, many different forms, and, you know, not everyone gets inspired by the same thing. If everyone’s muse, everyone’s inspiration was the same, the world would be a very dull, counterproductive place. Think about it. If everyone watched Holby City and got inspired to become a doctor, the world would be filled with unemployed doctors. If everyone read Sherlock Holmes and decided to become detectives, there would be no crimes left to solve. If everyone watched Nigella and had an epiphany; “I want to be a chef!” there would be no use for restaurants, now would there?

I suppose the point I’m trying to make is that inspiration is diverse, much like the people that populate this little Earth of ours. Inspiration does have a definition; “The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something”, but this definition is different for every single one of us. One thing that may inspire one person, means absolutely nothing for someone else, and that’s an amazing thing, isn’t it?

So, back to my earlier question; what is inspiration? Inspiration is your friends, your mother, father, grandparents. It’s your favourite subject, your work, your hobbies.

And even more importantly, inspiration is whatever the heck you want it to be.