Last month, I was privileged enough to help at the 2012 Prospective Parents Evening. Although I am new to JFS and probably one of the youngest people attending the school, I seem to know quite a lot about it (mainly from my older sister in the sixth form). This proved to be a major help as the school already felt so familiar.
About five weeks before the event Mr Boxer, my English teacher, asked for some volunteers to help out at the PPE. I was chosen and was invited to read out some English work on ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’, my favourite book that I read over the summer – a summer which anticipated the daunting year ahead.
It was inspiring that everyone from Year 8 upwards knew their way around the extraordinary maze of JFS so confidently, and it was reassuring to know that in a few short months I could join these experts!
I had forty-five minutes of free time so my friends and I, with permission from a teacher, decided to orientate ourselves around the school for fun. It was quite confusing as a specific route had been designed for the tours, but in the end we found our way to Food Technology, where rumour had it that they were giving out free snacks - always a winner!
We went to the Sports department, where electrical boat races were being held. We decided to compete – I came third out of six. We then did cup stacking, which was most definitely not my forte!
Five o’clock came thus heralding our time to shine. Being the first to show a presentation, I was a little nervous. However, it all went perfectly and although not all of the parents and Year 6 turned up to watch, those who did, looked like they enjoyed it.
Prospective Parents Evening was indeed a memorable event, and the chance to play role in showcasing the school in all its glory is something that I will not forget in a long time.