I know what you’re thinking but no, this is not a spelling mistake. I have been inspired by the charity event Movember. Every November, men sign up to grow a moustache for a month to raise money for men’s health, particularly prostate and testicular cancer. The charity was created in Australia when a group of men, seeing all of the support for women’s health, launched a campaign for men’s.
At the JFS, a number of teachers including Mr Broe, Mr O’Brien, Mr Monks, Mr Van Schalkwyk and Mr Co are participating. Mr Broe’s moustache, named Fernando has already raised £130, and if it reaches a total between all the participants then Mr Broe will continue to grow it until the end of term. It apparently looks hilarious.
Once registered at movember.com each participant must begin the 1st of Movember with a clean shaven face. For the entire month he must grow and groom a moustache. There is to be no joining of the mo to the sideburns (that’s considered a beard), there’s to be no joining of the handlebars to the chin (that’s considered a goatee) and each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a true gentleman.
Between them they hope to raise £1000. Please donate and help them to achieve their goals.