Ambition is often understood as the strong desire to achieve
or do something in the future. for someone to fulfil their life to the fullest they have to have inspiration,
ambition and motivation . These three words are all dependent on each other
they are like three steps if one did not happen the next one would not be
possible, if you had no inspiration you would have no ambition or motivation. I
want to be a physiotherapist in the future for a big sports team or individual athletes. This
all started with my love and passion for caring for others and sports which
inspired me to want to do this job. My ambition would not become a reality
without motivation and my motivation relies on the desire to do this job. Nothing
in life is served to you on a plate you have to work to fulfil your dreams and desires.
Athletes are inspired by their love of a sport to become a professional and
then they have ambition to fulfil that dream and then the ambition and the
desire and determination motivates the person to make it a reality. Some people
find it harder to have an ambition but everyone has ambition somewhere but they
just don't know it. Without ambition what will become of the future no one will
have the desire to fulfil their dreams they will just do something for the
money not for the enjoyment or pleasure. Even people who have a troubling life
will still have ambition for things such as a better future. Ambition is
different for everyone and not one person will have the exact same ambition or meaning
of the word.