
Welcome to JFS School's official Blog. This is our third year of the blog and represents a chance for our new team of intrepid student journalists to write what's on their minds. The Autumn term’s blog theme focuses on “Inspiration” - so stay tuned for some fantastic creative writing.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


When we were given this article to write, I panicked. Do I have any ambitions? Is there anything I love doing that could be made into a career? Is there something I want to achieve in the future?
I’ve never thought much about my future, and what I want to do. Of course, like any other 6-year-old, I wanted to be a hairdresser, a surgeon, an astronaut and a cleaner - all either too far-fetched or not far-fetched enough. 

To do our best in life, we need ambition. I would love to be either a surgeon or astronaut, but the thought of having someone’s life in my hands makes me feel sick, and I am petrified of flying.
So now I’m nearly 15, it’s probably time to start taking a good, long think about what I want to do in the future. What I want to be. 

Like everyone else, I have dreams, however, maybe it is time to stop thinking about my dreams, and start making them into reality. I want to change the world. I know I will never find the cure for cancer, but little things that I do may change a few people’s lives.

That’s rewarding enough for me. 

 When I was picking my GCSEs, I started to consider options, started to consider what I wanted to do when I am older. A teacher? A psychologist? A scientist? But then this amazing opportunity came along. Being a student journalist has enabled me to improve my writing skills, given me experience for the future but more than anything, it has helped me to realise what I want to be when I am older. I want be either a journalist, or editor of a magazine. Quite a jump from a cleaner then!